Quartzite has taken the fancy of more and more contemporary designers for representing a wide reaching variety of color choices as well as offering great durability and wear.
Formed through extreme heat and pressure on quartz particles over long periods of time, quartzite is great for providing some of the more extravagant shades of color often sought in marble but without the downsides of a softer product.
It also represents a very wide ranging series of different patterns within the material itself, meaning that no matter how different or unique the requirements of your project are, chances are there will be a quartzite to suit.
Quartzite by its very nature is a hard wearing product, however we do recommend following a regular regime of sealing and cleaning to ensure your surfaces are kept in the best condition throughout their lifetime.
Quartzite is suitable for use in benchtops, cladding, bathrooms, fireplaces and is also commonly used as a great choice for outdoor areas.
Tiffany Green Quartzite
Pink Cristallo
Esmeralda Quatzite
Taj Mahal Quartzite
Vittoria Regia Quartzite
Arctic Sky